Photo by Chris Scott

Sunday 11 March 2012

'Hello everybody, I'm Dr Cheeks. I've been away for a while, so I'm a little behind.'

I decided probably one of my favourite ever Simpsons quotes deserved to be in here, because it is semi appropriate. I've not updated in too long.

Well, to be honest, it has mostly been due to the issue with the laptop. However, this has been rectified and I now have a shiny new Samsung. Hooray!

This long absence from the blogosphere (god, my journalism theory lecturer would be proud of me using that word) means that I've not updated about something really, really important that happened to me lately: namely that I've moved again.

I know, I could put a gypsy to shame. But the west end situation didn't work out, and so, after looking into costs, I decided I could afford a reasonably spacious flat all to myself in Strathbungo (or so the letting agents told me...everyone else says I'm in Govanhill, but you've got to admit Strathbungo sounds a lot nicer. The Paid Job colleagues mercilessly take the piss out of me for this). I'd been wanting to come down to this end for sometime to be honest - it's cheaper, the arts scene in Glasgow seems to be migrating down here (and fair enough), it's actually better connected transport wise...I could go on. But mainly I could afford my own place, and after the experience with my last place I appreciate it muchly. It's not cheap, but it's still awesome. we at Cargo recently held the Margins Festival, which went amazingly well. There's a restructure going on at my Paid Job, which makes me feel like they're trying to push me out, and...well, I can't think of much else. All I can say is, for the most part, I'm a lot happier than I've been in some time.

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