Photo by Chris Scott

Saturday 20 February 2010

29 Things About Me

I love these tagging games. Okay, I've not been tagged or anything like that. I just feel like writing it.

1. I was born on 29th April, 1988, at 7:23am in the old maternity annexe of the Gilbert Bain Hospital.
2. The above birth almost happened at the Whiteness and Weisdale Public Hall due to poor planning on the part of my parents. That's another story for another time. All I'll say is that to this day, the two of them still can't get their fucking priorities right.
3. I'm the second of three children. I have an older brother who has been a guitar prodigy since primary school, and a younger sister who is very good at sports.
4. As for me? Well...someday, I'd like to be a published writer. Sadly, one other thing I've become good at is procrastinating.
5. I grew up in Brae, a small settlement in the Delting area of the Shetland mainland. On my mam's side I have roots in Vidlin (also in Delting) and Northmavine, and my dad's crowd all come from Yell, one of the North Isles.
6. I'm the only person in my family that still seems to read books. Thank god for Mam and Lal-Lal, otherwise I'd wonder if I might have the wrong parents...
7. Lal-Lal, you say? Who's that? Well, that would be my paternal granny - I'm the fourth of her five grandchildren. I've become closer to her in recent years, particularly since my maternal granny passed away.
8. Leading on from that...until I moved to Glasgow, my idea of a fun Saturday night was being in Yell at Lal-Lal's playing Scrabble. Although I still don't understand snooker after all these years...
9. I played cello from the age of eight until sixteen. In recent years I've regretted quitting. I also learned guitar - although again, I've been very slack on playing - and I sing.
10. My first pet was a hedgehog we called Tigs (after Mrs Tiggy-Winkle from the Beatrix Potter book). He lived at my Granny Rena's. When we took Tigs to my school to visit both our classes he kept the kids occupied for hours. There is also an unfounded rumour that he crawled up my teacher's trouser leg and fell asleep.
11. I've been a flower girl twice. The first time, when the bridal party went into a garden, I got distracted by a pond full of tadpoles and eventually the photographer took photos of me next to it to keep me sweet. When the photos were developed he put a large version in the window of the shop, and I considered it my proudest achievement.
12. When I was 11, I got both my earlobes pierced, and exactly five years later I got the right side of my nose pierced. No tattoos as yet, dunno if it'll ever happen.
13. My favourite book of childhood is 'Haroun and the Sea of Stories'. My mother bought it for me when I was 12, and I've read it cover-to-cover around four times since.
14. If I could be eighteen again for one weekend, I so would be.
15. From the age of two days old until eighteen and a half, I lived in the same house.
16. This changed when I got accepted to Strathclyde University to do a BA in Arts and Social Sciences. In the time I've lived in Glasgow I've had three different addresses.
17. Following studies, I want to stay in Glasgow when I graduate in July.
18. I didn't get properly drunk for the first time until I was 15 and a half - where I come from, that's considered late.
19. I never learned to cycle a bike.
20. I regret never properly getting the full benefits of my brief membership of Strathclyde Theatre Group. I miss acting, I felt more confident when I did it.
21. The Beatles, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers are my Big Three Favourite Bands Ever. After're best off flicking through my iPod.
22. I still listen to CDs when I can.
23. People who can't put CDs and DVDs back in their boxes drive me mental, but it's worse when they leave the disc on top of the box but can't make the effort to put it in. Yes, I actually know people who are this stupid.
24. An adolescence spent working on and off in retail has made me very bitter towards society.
25. I'm terrified of pigeons. And failure. Not in that order.
26. Even just the taste of liquorice makes me gag. I genuinely cannot eat it. Even liquorice flavoured stuff...yuck! >_<
27. My favourite food is spaghetti bolognese - it's one of the only things I can make without a recipe.
28. I'm crap at writing about myself...
29. ...or, at least, making it exciting.

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