Photo by Chris Scott

Monday 22 February 2010

Life Writing

So, after spending the whole weekend howling at my lack of an idea, I decided the best way to counter it was to write about what I knew. So I've ended up writing a story that is drawn a fair bit from autobiographical experience.

The truth is, there's a lot of it based on incidents that genuinely have happened to me during my lifetime (although they've been exaggerated here and there for dramatic effect). It's kind of my way of exorcising old demons, and it'll need done before long, but is it a good idea? Time shall tell.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah-

    I was wondering if I could ask a favor of a fellow book lover and new blogger? 

    As someone who's added my book list widget to your blog, I was hoping you'd consider running the following announcement on your blog:

    <---- BEGIN POST ---->

    Peter, the fellow who runs Flashlight Worthy Book Recommendations, got in touch. He's making a concerted effort to increase the number of book lists in his Book Club Books category.

    Interested in writing a book list? Think you know a number of books that would appeal to book clubs? Get in touch with Peter at and he'll fill you in on the details.

    <---- END POST ---->

    And since I can't put links in this comment, there are 2 links above. The phrase:

    Flashlight Worthy Book Recommendations

    should link to:

    And the phrase:

    Book Club Books

    should link to:
    ...feel free to reword as you see fit. And no worries if you don't have time or are not interested -- I just thought I'd ask.

    Thanks again for using the widget and let me know if you ever need any book recommendations. ;-) 

    (The guy who runs Flashlight Worthy in his spare time)
    Recommending books so good, they'll keep you up past your bedtime. ;)

