Photo by Chris Scott

Thursday 25 February 2010

Eyesight woes

And so, today, I had more problems with contact lenses.

I say 'more' like problems with contact lenses are an ongoing saga for me. They're really not to be honest.

It all started when I was 17, and my previous optician in Shetland told me that my right eye has something called astigmatism. This means that my eye is not shaped properly, and thus will never focus as an eye should (also meaning I can never get laser surgery on it as it wouldn't solve anything). Apparently, though, at the time she told me this also meant I couldn't wear monthly contact lenses - I had to have daily ones. The daily ones were actually pretty uncomfortable to wear, and as a result I wore them very sparingly. I was given thirty days' worth, by the time I'd had them 18 months I'd literally gone through less than half the pairs.

Upon my return to Glasgow for 2nd year in 2007 I got new glasses at a local branch of a certain optician's. I then enquired about getting monthly contacts. I was told my eyes were perfectly healthy, that my old optician in Shetland had been speaking utter crap and yes, I could get monthly ones. So I did. It took ages to get to grips with them but nearly a year or so later I started wearing them pretty much every day.

I don't usually have problems with my lenses, but these last couple of weeks have been different.

I get my lenses and solution in three-monthly batches. My most recent batch came at the beginning of this month. Within a couple of weeks one of the right hand lenses tore in two - while in my eye, which was loads of fun to try and retrieve. I went to the opticians about getting a spare, and got one. Today - when I was having a massively busy day with lots of stuff to finalise for uni - the fresh lens began to hurt too, and I later discovered it had torn in my eye also. It was due to be changed anyway, but still...ouch.

And me needing to make a speech, too...

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